Another Dark Little Corner
Started this before change to "New Blogger", as backup in case of trouble with digiphoto blog "In a Small Dark Room", or rants & links blog "Hello Cruel World" . Useful - at one stage Dark Room was there, but like the astrophysical Dark Matter, we could't see it ... better now, but kept Just In Case.
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There is nothing. There is no God and no universe, there is only empty space, and in it a lost and homeless and wandering and companionless and indestructible Thought. And I am that thought. And God, and the Universe, and Time, and Life, and Death, and Joy and Sorrow and Pain only a grotesque and brutal dream, evolved from the frantic imagination of that same Thought. Mark Twain (letter to Joseph Twichell after his wife's death) [me, on a bad day] WRITER'S LINKS Absolute Write Paypal donation button: Absolute Write is one of the leading sites for information on writing and publishing, especially the scam versions thereof. It has a broad, deep online community with an enormous message base going back years. Now it needs help. See the details and discussion here Preditors and Editors Everything you wanted to know about literary agents On the getting of agents Writer Beware Miss Snark Writer's Net (and my Wish List) |
Some Online Photography; Local conflict/politics The Photography Channel The Digital Journalist - A Multimedia Magazine for Photojournalism in the Digital Age Changing the Face of Power: Women in the U.S. Senate Gallery - The Digital Journalist Angry Monkey Photography and one of my favourites, as seen in the sidebar, from top left pixel, the Daily Dose of Imagery Rolly Smallacombe wrote ... Local activists tried to stop the Harbour Bridge being built, they tried to stop the Opera House and so it goes. [1] [2] ------------------------ I find this argument has very low validity. (But firstly, how sure are you of the truth of those two statements? And how do you define "local activists"?) I could also say "Local activists tried to stop the car park replacing the QVB" and "Local activists tried to stop the Redfern Housing Commission Towers being built". One campaign succeeded, one didn't, is the result of either better or worse for that? Indeed, along the lines of Gerard Henderson's article last year about Hitler having supported similar environmental ideals as the Green Party, I could similarly point out that he was a strong supporter of traditional Christianity, "Family Values", the protection of children from "degenerate social ideas", and healthy physical exercise. How do you think he improved his approval from a mere 30-odd percent in 1933 to a strong majority? It wasn't hate-speech and terror all the way. Tilly Devine & other sly-groggers fed money and support undercover to the temperance campaigners who kept 6-o'clock closing in force for many years by appealing to similar ideals. (And which were 'local activists' there?) Did that make the ideals wrong? Or the campaign right? So what if different people had different ideas before, and there was disussion of the best things to do? The point is whether the developments we are looking at now are good in themselves and good for the rest of the city, its society, and the supporting natural & artificial structures around it for the generations to come. Not solely whether people of influence can take a good profit out of it, return to *their* preferred residences, and leave the residents and future public good and funds to suffer: Leave them to pick up the pieces of social disruption, to do the extra maintenance and policing, and try to deal with all the problems as future economic swings go up and down, energy use changes so tall buildings are less viable, the methods of supplying and removing water and waste change, etc, etc, etc. And of course there are very strongly held views on several sides of these questions. I believe that there are good reasons to support my views on a number of issues, and I support those who argue for them. For various reasons, I've not been able to be very active in the community at all for a while now, but I do what little I can, and try to support those I agree with. On many other issues I have a fairly open mind, but try to apply my basic ethical principles to all, which are apparently at variance with some others'. (Luckily, for the moment, these differences can be safely discussed in Australia. Long may they remain so.) More ... 2006-01-19
Excellent & Intelligent Post from SusanG at Daily Kos You can stop protecting me now Mr. Bush, You Can Stop Protecting Me Nowby SusanG Sat Jan 14, 2006 at 12:07:11 PM PDT Bush Says Gitmo Is 'Necessary' More ... 2006-01-11
The last few years of drought seem to have turned the corner, at least for a while, and Sydney has had substantial periods of rain, moving back into a typical near-subtropical rainy summer. Returning home at night by ferry, the breeze of our passage eases the still air. Looking down the length of the harbour, I can see the grey haze of humidity overlying the lights of the city, but above are stars glittering in the warm dark. More ... 2006-01-05
John Howard: Prime Minister; Actor; Prison Reformer John Howard 1726 - 1790 A Bedford-based non-conformist, Howard lived an eventful life before dedicating himself to achieving prison reform. In 1773 Howard was appointed Sheriff of Bedfordshire. His duties included being prison inspector, and Howard was appalled by the insanitary conditions he found. He was surprised by the arrangement through which prisoners paid their gaolers and were kept gaoled for non-payment even if acquitted of their crime. Two acts were passed by Parliament in 1774 at the behest of Howard, which stipulated that acquitted prisoners should be freed without charge and that the health of prisoners should be regularly checked. More ... Howard pushed for further acts ensuring reforms and travelled Europe, visiting prisons and meeting with royalty. His final trip abroad to a military prison camp in the Ukraine culminated in his contracting typhus, from which he never recovered. The inscription on his tomb in the Ukraine reads "Whosoever thou art, thou standest at the grave of thy friend". The website of the Howard League for Penal Reform 1 Ardleigh Road, London, N1 4HS Charity No. 251926 Tel: +44 020 7249 7373, Fax: +44 020 7249 7788 info (at) His early life John Howard, the namesake of the Howard League, was born in 1726 in Hackney, East London. He was the son of a prosperous middle class family, and had a comfortable start to life. He was apprenticed to a London wholesale grocery firm, his income meant he could have an apartment, servants and two horses. John Howard married twice. In 1753, he married his landlady Sarah Lordore, but she died only two years later. This sudden change in life again led him to travel, both for interest and to reflect upon his own future. John Howard returned to Cardington in Bedfordshire and married Henrietta Leeds, who died in childbirth, leaving her husband to care for their young son John. High Sheriff of Bedford During this period John Howard became established as a country gentleman in Bedfordshire. He was a model landlord, a horticulturalist and practised the role of public servant he considered to be appropriate for his status. John Howard was a nonconformist, but despite this he was appointed High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, and with this title came the responsibility for the county gaol. He was appalled by the conditions and human degradation he discovered. This spurred him to visit other prisons in England and then Europe in the search for humane prison conditions. During the mid 1750s many gaols held religious dissenters and debtors, alongside common thieves and felons. Many of the debtors were respectable local tradesmen who could not be released from prison until money was raised to pay off their creditors. John Howard criticised the gaoler of Bedford. Traditionally, once gaolers had been appointed they were left to manage their gaol in the fashion they chose and made their own living as best they could. This usually resulted in bribes, favours and profits, which were to the detriment of the prisoners under their care. Many prisoners were forced to pay for their period of incarceration and this meant paying for their bedding, food and other facilities. In 1753, for example, a prisoner was charged 2s 6d per a week for the sole use of bedding and sheets; the price to share bedding would have been 1s 3d a week, and to transport a prisoner to London the gaoler would have charged £6. Tour of England and Wales and on to Europe John Howard decided to tour English counties confident of finding a good example for Bedford gaol to follow. He was allowed to visit cells, dungeons and torture chambers, to talk to the gaolers, turnkeys and even the prisoners themselves. He was horrified to find that the malpractice in Bedford was common all over England and Wales. In 1755 John Howard wrote: “Ely Gaol was the property of the Bishop and because of the insecurity of the old prison and the gaoler chained the victims down on their backs an the floor, across which several iron bars, with an iron collar with spikes about their necks and a heavy iron bar over their legs”. Many gaolers would not allow prisoners to leave the gaol, even if they had been found innocent, unless they or their families paid for their release. This often meant that poorer prisoners languished in gaol unnecessarily. Having investigated prisons in England and Wales, John Howard felt compelled to visit Ireland and Scotland and then to almost every country in Europe, including Russia. At a time when travel was usually uncomfortable and often dangerous, he travelled nearly eighty thousand kilometres on horseback and spent some £30,000 of his own money in his determination to improve prison conditions. He entered prisons in disguise in defiance of governments who feared the power of his pen. He was captured by pirates and held in France, quelled a riot single-handed and more than earned John Wesley’s tribute to him as “one of the greatest men in Europe”. John Howard made seven large scale journeys between 1775 and 1790, the first two of which are described in his book The State of the Prisons In England and Wales. He sought to bring about reform through personal initiatives, by arousing the consciences of influential people and stirring them into action. He also visited gaolers personally to persuade them to comply with the minimal regulations that did exist. John Howard’s work had influence as far afield as Germany, America and Russia. He died in Kherson in the Ukraine of ‘gaol fever’, a form of typhus, in January 1790. A monument was erected there to mark his life and achievements, and was renovated in 1990 to commemorate the bi-centenary of his death. John Howard’s role in the development of the international penal reform movement cannot be denied, and the importance of his life and work is reflected in this inscription on his statue in St. Paul’s Cathedral. Statue of the famous philanthropist and prison reformer at St Paul's Square, Bedford. "This extraordinary man had the fortune to be honoured whilst living, Suggested reading Howard League (1990) A Tribute to John Howard. £5.00 Howard, J (1973) (first published 1777) The State of Prisons in England and Wales. Patterson Smith. (2 book set) £85.00. Freeman J. (ed.) (1979) Prisons, Past and Future Heinemann Educational Books Ltd £5.00 The Howard League for Penal Reform 1 Ardleigh Road, London, N1 4HS Charity No. 251926 Tel: 020 7249 7373, Fax: 020 7249 7788 More ... 2006-01-02
Health Care Horror: Patient Told To Reuse Colostomy Bag For 5 Days Health Care Horror: Patient Told To Reuse Colostomy Bag For 5 Days This is an updated address for the page. It's a particularly pertinent horror story for me, and a reason to resist several so-called "reforms" to the Autralian health-care system. patients/ articles/ ?storyId=16193 This story is also mentioned as one of the examples in Making a Killing HMOs and the Threat to Your Health Chapter 5 Getting Away With Murder Why You Can't Sue Your HMO PATIENT STORYOld URL Address link: Labels: colostomy, health insurance, insurance, medical, USA More ... |